Sunday 8 April 2012

Brides maid necklace in the making.

Friday 6 April 2012

Saturday 17 July 2010

Have had no time or energy to post for a while. But last friday had a good 2 hours so made this for a new born.
A brag card. The card will hold the current fav pic of baby.
Hope you like.

Saturday 19 June 2010

Sample two using images from
the same cd.
I Used lots of layers
of parchment and miri board.
The Butterfly made using
a fab Die by
Marianne Design createables.
All the Ribbon and brads
on both cards from
my stash
Hi all hope you are all ok.

Here are my latest samples conmpleated for MCS,

using their latest Parchment cd 4.

It has some wonderful backgrounds that all card makers can

use. The flowers come from a great site wildorchidcrafts

The stamp used is from funky kits site.

Working on these was a peaceful and calming experience

Wednesday 9 June 2010

I am currently working on samples for MCS(my craft studio) so thought i would post some pic's of my last work for them. Sorry about the quality of the pic's still new to the game..